Saturday, July 29, 2006

Friday, July 28, 2006
in touch with u feelings
You've probably heard the phrase, "Get in touchwith your feelings." Well, as common as this phraseis, it's the wrong idea.Simply getting in touch with your feelings is barelythe beginning of being "conscious." What's more, ifall you do is get in touch with your feelings, you'vedone next to nothing to move forward, grow and become more than you currently are - and becomingMORE is what everyone truly wants.And so, it is NOT the noticing of one's feelings thatis helpful, it is knowing that you can notice a feeling,then expand it, shrink it or simply transmute it intoa feeling that is much more powerful.This becomes absolutely crystal clear when doing the Theatreof the Mind exercise. Once you locate the good feeling from aprevious success, you amplify it. You make it stronger, more powerful and more intense ... and this puts you on course toachieve one success after another. The more you think aboutand explore what you do when you succeed, the more you will understand, feel and move toward success. Like attractslike.
anak spss 2001

In Psycho-Cybernetics, Dr. Maltz saysthe greatest port in the world - the ultimategoal, is 'peace of mind.'Now, here's the ironic twist to the above. You do not obtain peace of mind by sittingat home alone, doing nothing. You obtain peace of mind by being creatively alive; by pursuing a worthy goal that benefitsyourself as well as others. You obtain peace of mind by DOING somethinggood for yourself.You obtain peace of mind by being involved.And you obtain peace of mind by developingyour self-image and thereby your confidence,to the level where you KNOW you can accomplishwhatever you set your mind on.Each day YOU and I are given 1440 minutes. Whatwe do with those minutes determines our future aswell as how we feel in the present.When we're creatively involved in stretching our mindsto become MORE than we currently are, we feel good about ourselves. Consider for a moment one thing you can do today tomove yourself toward a worthy goal. Then do it. I can assure you, in the doing of that thing, your attitude will be different. You'll feel different. Why.Because you're creatively involved in doing somethinggood. Now, to make life flow even more smoothly, always take a few minutes to enter the Theatre of Your Mind. Imagine the person you want to be. Remember thatin order for you to make lasting change, the personyou see on the inside must change first. You have two sets of eyes. The ones you use to observewho you are on the outside. And the set of eyes you useto observe who you are on the inside. Picture the new you each day and you will become the new you. For help in doing this, be sure to gift yourself with the Zero Resistance Living program - http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html
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